GSD Student Poster and Oral Competition – Arkansas Chapter

Gamma Sigma Delta, unfortunately, canceled its 21st annual student presentation competition due to the Covid-19 pandemic.  We hope to have an event in 2021.  Undergraduates, Master’s candidates, and doctoral candidates will compete in their respective categories. Complete competition guidelines are articulated in the GSD Competition Guidelines document available from the download link in the blue box to the right.  Award amounts may vary annually depending on the number of student participants and available funding.

Abstracts should be saved as Word documents with a maximum of 250 words (not including title and authors/affiliations) in 12-point Times New Roman font.  Students may compete only in one category – either oral or poster. Therefore, students must indicate their preference at the bottom of the abstract page.

All faculty co-authors on a student presentation or poster must be a paid member, or nominated to become a member of Gamma Sigma Delta, for the student to be eligible to enter in the competition. Students are encouraged to become members of Gamma Sigma Delta as well and should ask their departmental representative for a nomination form.